Photography & I


Initially, I started photography as a way to capture moments more for documentation purposes. I would take pictures at the school I worked in and those pictures would be shared to inform others of school events or were used in the yearbook. As time progressed, however, I found that photography provided more than that.

I discovered that photography gave me a way to interact with the world around me in a new dimension. My mindset shifted from “capturing moments” to “creating moments” as I see people react to the pictures I take. The medium that I once used to preserve memories I now use to connect with, inspire, and entertain new ones.

I believe that the real art of photography is not what the viewer sees in front of them, but the emotions that stir within the viewer and the bond formed between them and the photographer.

P.S. – Feedback is always welcome. If there is a way in which you could see my pictures improve, please continue the art process by sharing it with me.